I drove her to a small cottage beside the beach, just like the one Hansel and Gretel lived everything was
Revealed, he wasn’t at his office that Saturday night, I didn’t
Realize she was such a beauty until I examined her closely, her cheeks were
Flushing, he shoved me in rage, Oh God
This was so good, I never knew kissing could be so heavenly, I knew she was
The person who could be possibly killing me anytime, I was petrified
That someday I might lose this girl, but I knew I won’t
Love him, love without faith is like religion without faith,
She tossed her hair and it smelled like caramel and banana, the sweetness
Have always blinded me from seeing the real him, his words of love trapped me
Into this room, where two lonely people became less lonely because of
The lie, the deleted message, the scornful ring and barbie pink underwear,
Nothing more was left to pursue since I have found you
The person who leaves me with sleeping pills who madly, awaits
For his girl to say yes. And you did.
I did. I tried my best to stand out from your colleagues’ uneducated housewives
You have changed, you incredulously spy on everything, you
Were drunk on our marriage anniversary and I saw this text
We are nothing more than working partners, maybe friends
When did you last give me your dainty schoolboy smile?
I am not living with someone who’s not trusting me by looking into my eyes
I am not living with someone who did nothing to gain my trust