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Workshops on Academic Writing for CW Chu College (GECW)

Dr Scott Daly conducted two repeated sessions of workshops for Prof Kenneth Young’s GECW1010 University and Society in CW Chu College. The two workshops took place on 29 October and 12 November, supporting two separate sections of students enrolled in that course. The workshops aimed to enhance students’ academic writing skills to improve the quality of their written assignments. There were several main objectives: 1) to understand what constitutes good academic writing; 2) to review thesis statements; 3) to identify key features of coherence; 4) to understand how to incorporate academic evidence; and 5) to review the basic standards of referencing. The workshops were a blend of lectures, activities, discussions, and hands-on demonstrations to produce an interactive experience. Previous student papers and academic articles were utilized to shed light on common language issues in academic writing. In the feedback surveys, students shared positive comments and high ratings for the workshops, indicating their satisfaction and appreciation for Dr Daly’s efforts. The EAC project team looks forward to the continued collaboration with Prof Young and CW Chu College.