For the 2020-2021 academic year, Ms Ella Leung, Ms Jessica Acuña and Mr Ken Grimes resumed their roles as Language & Communication Advisors (LCAs) to provide individual consultations to students completing their yearlong Senior Projects in ESSC4810 Senior Project I and ESSC4820 Senior Project II. This marks the fifth year of the longstanding EAC collaboration with the Earth System Science Programme. Overall, students’ feedback was positive and supportive of this highly personalized intervention model. Students expressed their deep appreciation for the LCAs’ professional and timely support and praised their provision of comprehensive and detailed language advice at multiple stages of their Senior Project report and presentation. The EAC project team is full of gratitude for this opportunity and thankful the ESSC team’s support and trust. They look forward to supporting future cohorts and anticipate the growth of this CoP for years to come.
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