On 17 September, 2020, Ms Olive Cheung and Mr Matthew Knowles jump started the new academic year by holding a joint workshop with Dr Murat Es from the Urban Studies Programme. This workshop marked the fourth round of EAC collaboration with Dr Es and his course, URSP4001/4002 Capstone Thesis/Project I. Adhering to the restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the intervention was conducted online through Zoom. The focus of the workshop was on writing the literature review for the capstone thesis/project. Ms Cheung and Mr Knowles offered an in-depth coverage of the structure and features of a literature review, tips on academic language use, and strategies and online resources on writing effectively and coherently. To maximize the productivity in an online classroom, tools such as Padlet and UReply helped facilitate the collaborative learning environment. Research articles from Urban Studies journals and previous student samples of literature reviews were used to demonstrate concepts, and students had the hands-on opportunity to evaluate and analyze these texts. Students appreciated the detailed preparation of the teaching materials and praised the workshop to be interactive and informative. The EAC project team looks forward to returning for Part 2 of the intervention in the second term, which will focus on thesis writing.