On 2 November and 4 November 2021, Ms Laura Buddle conducted two sessions of the same workshop for BME final-year students to prepare them for writing their final year project theses. The face-to-face workshop lasted two hours, with the aim of helping students understand the purpose and structure of a thesis as well as improve their use of English in their thesis. Prior to the workshop, a survey was conducted to enable the teacher to tailor the workshop content and materials to the needs of the students. Most of the students were, therefore, highly satisfied with the workshop and expressed their appreciation for the teacher giving a passionate, clear and beneficial workshop in the post-workshop survey. Towards the end of the workshop, students were required to complete a 20-minute quiz which accounts for 5% of their project scores. The EAC team is happy to hear the positive feedback from the students and looks forward to providing them with the second workshop which will focus on academic writing skills and common language errors next term.