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Preparation Workshop on Response Essay Writing for the Department of Anthropology (ANTH)

On 4 October 2021, the EAC project team returned to Dr Wyman Tang’s ANTH1100 Understanding Anthropology course to conduct a face-to-face writing workshop in preparation for the reflective response essays. This year marks the fifth year of the EAC team’s strong collaboration with the Department of Anthropology. In the workshop, Dr Tang first provided referencing guidelines specific to the discipline, followed by Ms Laura Man’s section on writing effective response papers. Mr Chun Wai Leung, a new frontline supporter of this CoP, was invited to facilitate the workshop. The main objectives of the workshop were: 1) to understand the requirements of the response essay; 2) to be familiar with essay structure and idea development; 3) to know how to paraphrase; and 4) to know how to transfer the taught writing skills to other courses. The highlights of the workshop were Ms Man’s interactive presentation, comprehensive explanations, as well as frequent usage of student samples and published journal articles for illustration. Students appreciated Ms Man’s attention to and provision of targeted language support necessary for academic writing in their discipline and beyond. After students’ first submission of response papers, Ms Man and Mr Leung are scheduled to conduct a feedback session on these assignments in early November.