On 3 November 2021, Ms Ella Leung, Ms Natalie Cheung and Ms Carmen Li conducted parallel group consultations in collaboration with the Earth System Science Programme. This is the second round of this new intervention model to support students with their group poster presentations in ESSC1000 Exploring the Earth System. Prior to the consultation sessions, students were strongly encouraged to review the English Advice Talk PowerPoint created by Ms Leung. This PowerPoint included the skills and techniques needed to create and execute an effective and professional academic poster presentation for the course assessment. The groups were divided into three consultation rooms on Zoom and rehearsed their presentations to the designated instructor. They then received immediate feedback on their performance and language use. While each consultation session lasted only about 20 minutes, the time was well spent, and students were appreciative of the instructors’ provision of input within the limited timeframe. The EAC project team looks forward to providing more targeted language support for the Earth System Science Programme in this longstanding collaboration.