On November 1, 2021, Ms Laura Man and Mr Chun Wai Leung co-conducted a 45-minute feedback session in Dr Wyman Tang’s ANTH1100 Understanding Anthropology class. Targeted feedback was provided after conducting textual analysis on students’ first reflective response papers. In the first half of the workshop, Mr Leung shared insight on titling and paragraph structure of their papers, using student samples for demonstration. In the second half, Ms Man spotlighted language use and citation issues using a Kahoot game. Students appreciated the diverse use of student examples from the class, which gave them the opportunity to apply the content to their own specific context. Many of them expressed that they were able to reflect on their own writing by learning from the common mistakes made. Despite the short duration of the session, the productivity was high, and the class had lots of fun engaging with the content, thanks to the instructors’ lively and enthusiastic delivery. It was overall a very enjoyable and informative session and the EAC team looks forward to providing continuous support in this collaboration.