On 23 October, 2020, Dr Christelle Davis wrapped up the creative writing series this term with her creative non-fiction writing workshop. Since it would be challenging to cover all the major subgenres of creative non-fiction within the 1.5-hour timeframe, the focus was on memoir writing. Participants ranged from students and staff from all academic backgrounds and levels of writing. Dr Davis lent her expertise to deliver an interactive session on the genre and introduced recommended readings that would be enjoyable for all. To stimulate the creative expression of participants’ own personal memories, the techniques of using creative elements, sensory writing, metaphoric thinking, and other writing skills were demonstrated through short writing exercises and the literary analysis of a memoir. Participants had the opportunity to experiment with a variety of writing techniques that contributed to more vivid and visceral memoirs, and received feedback from their peers and the instructor during discussion sessions. This workshop allowed them to reflect on their memories and milestones in more vibrant perspectives, which they praised to be resourceful, inspiring, and creatively stimulating. It is certainly encouraging for the EAC Creative Writing Project Team to receive such positive feedback for the second round of creative writing workshops, and they aim to continue opening more platforms to embrace and celebrate creative expression at CUHK.