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Academic Reading Workshop for the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies (CURE)

Mr. Ivan Au conducted a 45-minute workshop on academic reading for Professor James Frankel’s course, CURE1123 World Religions, on 21 September 2022. This is the third year the EAC project team has collaborated with Prof Frankel from the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, and this was the first workshop delivered in the 2022-2023 academic year. The workshop introduced students to the key features of journal articles and provided them with strategies for reading academic texts. Mr. Au also provided a demonstration on using CUHK Library’s search engine and how to use online resources for locating journal articles. Students appreciated Mr. Au’s enthusiasm for delivering the workshop and his clear explanations of the workshop materials. The workshop’s content was presented via a PowerPoint presentation as well as an accompanying handout for a group activity. As a follow-up action, the materials were made available to the students soon after the workshop.