Two repeated sessions of the research writing workshop were conducted on 25 & 28 March 2020 by Dr Jose Lai and Dr Allen Ho from ELTU for final-year students who are taking SPED4900 Research Project and working on their final-year project report. Due to the development of the Novel Coronavirus, the workshop was conducted online via Zoom.
The objectives of this workshop include 1) to reinforce the content covered in Workshop 1 (September 2019); 2) to introduce research report writing skills (especially for results, discussion & conclusion sections); and 3) to provide further language support and research writing resources. By the end of the workshop, an introduction and demonstration session on the mobile application Capstone Ninja was conducted by Ms Carmen Li. Students were introduced to the mobile app project background as well as the functions and features of the app. They were then encouraged to make use of the resources available on the app, including the learning modules and unit quizzes, to facilitate their self-learning and preparation of the final-year project report.
Students were invited to complete a survey before the workshop ended to share their feedback. The results show that the workshop was well-received by students; they particularly appreciated the interactive in-class activity on distinguishing the results, discussion and conclusion sections. Students also acquired language tips on how to describe trends as well as the proper use of prepositions. The EAC team is pleased with the positive feedback and looks forward to continuing the collaboration with SSPE teachers and students.