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Workshops on Writing a Final Year Project report in Mechanical and Automation Engineering 2017-18

An evening mandatory workshop on writing an FYP report in MAE led by Dr Alina Wan of ELTU was held on 1 and 7 February, 2018. Both workshops aimed to (1) familiarise students with the overall structural conventions associated with MAE FYP report writing, (2) help students relate structural elements to different section headings in their FYP reports, and (3) examine common language features and writing style of an MAE FYP report. These workshops were structured around the key objectives of this report. In addition to lecture elements, students were encouraged to compare sample reports and observe language features appearing in reports in pairs or in small groups.


Overall, students found the workshops helpful, as reported in the feedback survey. Many of them felt that the analysis of good and bad samples was particularly useful, while others reported that they would like to learn more about organising ideas in different sections of the FYP report.