Call for proposals

Proposal Review Guidelines

1. Each submitted proposal will be evaluated by at least two reviewers using a blind review procedure.

2. The following evaluation criteria will be applied:

Relevance The content of the proposal is relevant to the main theme and sub-theme(s) of the conference.

Strength of research The proposal demonstrates the use of robust research methods in investigating the issue(s) concerned, with clear evidence of grounding in the relevant literature and appropriate analysis.

Interest and significance The proposal is original, and contributes to scholarship, theoretical understanding, or current development in English language teaching. It should stimulate the interest of conference participants.

Clarity The proposal is properly written, complying with the proposal submission requirements. It is clearly presented in the appropriate language and style.

3. The following criteria will also be applied in the evaluation of proposals for colloquia and workshops:

Coherence Coherence of the short presentations and relevance to the proposed theme of the colloquium (Colloquia)

Methods to interact with participants Methods to increase participant interactions employed by the presenter(s) (Workshops)